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Classroom course

FOCUS program



The "FOCUS" program arises from the need to have, in the field of sport, an organized and orderly system that works the mental aspect of the athlete.

In almost all the countries of the world, athletes are constantly in search of optimizing their mental abilities, in order to improve their performance. In this area, psychology has been the science most consulted by athletes, coaches and sports leaders for the past 35 years. However, from 2010 onwards, new work methodologies based on science and focused on practice have generated a lot of interest, with exercises applicable during training sessions, thus avoiding that the athlete must attend a training session outside of their training hours. mental training session or the like.


In this search, athletes find varied methodologies, from different origins and foundations, sometimes more solid than others.


Developing and implementing a solid program, aimed at training the athlete's body, brain and mind, using permanent practical exercises as a means, is quite a challenge. It is for this reason that we have brought together for this program professionals from different areas and vast experience, both in sport and training.


Doctors, yoga teachers, psychologists, neuroscientists, mindfulness trainers are part of the team that has developed "FOCUS".


During years of training, both athletes and coaches, are demanded to achieve higher and higher goals. In this way, the body is usually trained with great demand, without taking into account the fact that it is the brain that commands all the activities it performs.


Today we have an important advantage, and it is the fact of knowing that we can train our brain functions at will, and generate equal or greater changes in its structure, than those that we generate with physical training.


Is it valid to train brain functions passively? Can you train the mind conscientiously while training the body? Does this occur automatically? Is it better to be mentally strong or mentally balanced? why?. Is mental balance and emotional balance the same? How can they develop?


There are hundreds of other questions that disturb the sports spectrum daily.

FOCUS is a program designed to teach both coaches and athletes how to flow with their sport, understanding the benefits that this will bring to their performance, in the medium and long term.





The human brain has an area associated with each behavior that it can generate from the senses, thought and emotions.


Neurosciences applied to Sport promote the stimulation of the nervous system through the implementation of exercises aimed at activating those areas related to the behaviors that the athlete wants to generate, will gradually increase its level of effectiveness, since it will be feeding neural networks that will cause an increase of neurotransmitters associated with confidence, optimism, personal security and proactivity.


As a consequence of these stimuli, the stress level will gradually decrease, which will generate a higher level of effectiveness, both in training and in competitions.


The techniques of breathing, relaxation, visualization, Yoga and Focus release different neurotransmitters (Serotonin, Noradrenaline, Dopamine, Acetylcholine, among others). The balance between them will be essential to lower the levels of Cortisol (neurotransmitter related to stress and fear), consequently improving neuromuscular coordination, increasing effectiveness.


The objective of using these techniques in FOCUS is to integrate the body, the brain and the mind with the emotions, to dominate our interior and thus be more effective in the external game.


The Mindfulnes principle in the optimal performance of an athlete is a state that emerges from the acceptance of thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations without trying to eliminate or modify them, simply observe them in a non-judgmental way, accepting them as they are moment by moment.


The acceptance of emotions causes an improvement in both focus and motivation boost, since emotions are not interpreted as negative.

The emotional self-knowledge that is acquired with Mindfulness and the correct emotional regulation, fruit of this self-knowledge and of “being in the present”, fosters an ideal state of sports performance.


The athlete who practices Mindfulness in sport is in "Flow State", ideal mental state.


It is a state of harmony between the body, the mind and the emotions, where the athlete can perform to the maximum; mind freed from internal distractions with attention in the present moment, emotions released from tension as a pure motivation, the body relaxed and full of energy. When everything happens simultaneously it is FLOW.

Time is invested in the present: in the consciousness of the moment, in bodily sensations and in the Flow State.


The Focus program is a system designed to be implemented in any sport, whether individual or team.


Athletes learn to develop new and more effective habits in their training, through the generation of new neural networks to respond to the stimuli that their sport provokes.


Then, the brain is responsible for distributing this new information in all areas where it is deemed necessary.


To know how to deal with an athlete, we first have to know him. Similarly, to know how to deal with the brain, we first have to know it.

So, knowing the brain, we can implement training techniques aimed at improving performance in different situations, under different circumstances.





























Course name: FOCUS

Qualification: FOCUS Program Training


Duration: 9 months

Hours : 330 hours

Hours: Attendance at two personalized weekly training sessions. Daily activity at home, for about 1 hour a day.

Directed: Sports professionals, coaches, coaches, sports leaders, athletes and those interested in general

Dictates and Certifies: Argentine Neuro-training Association

Value: $ 3000 Argentines (monthly fee).




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